The Bubble

Have you ever awoken from a trance-like state to realize that someone only three feet away has called your name at least four times already?
Those who know me can attest that when I become focused on something, I have a tendency to get lost in my own little bubble. This can be extremely helpful when trying to work in a loud environment. Not so helpful when you miss an important announcement on the subway and end up taking the express train up to 125th street (I live on 71st).
To any outsider observing my far away gaze, make no mistake, the bubble is far from a blank space. In fact, it is an imaginative escape where ideas flow freely and skip around in random succession. It is a place of relaxation, observation, internal laughter and discovery of new ideas. Let me share with you a glimpse inside the force field:
(Exits apartment building)
What a beautiful day. As dad likes to say, this is chamber of commerce weather. I think I’ll walk to work.
(Enter bubble)
So many cute dogs in the park today. I wonder how they train them to be off-leash like that. I should google it.
That homeless lady appears to be delivering a very important speech to a backpack.
This side braid makes me feel like corporate Katniss.
If I brought some scissors, could I discreetly cut flowers as I walked by and make my own bouquet, or would I get in trouble?
Today should be a pretty productive day at work. I’m going to start with that org chart.
Could I make some sort of promotional materials that fold up into paper airplanes? I’ll sketch that out on my lunch break.
I should have brought my book. I’ve been reading that thing for like, a year. I think Tyrion would make the best king.
I smell coffee.
I smell pee.
I really need to buy a new suitcase before we go on vacation.
Mmm pina coladas.
(Recalls boyfriend’s dapper outfit choice this morning) He looked really good.
(Something buzzes past ear) Holy crap was that a dragonfly?! (types idea for new art piece in phone).
(Passing Radio City) The Hans Zimmer concert tonight is going to be epic.
I smell french fries.
I smell pee.
Oh boy, the 6th avenue prophet is at it again. How many times a day does he walk up and down the street reading that bible? Why is it always this street in particular? Is he even speaking English???
You can always tell who’s new to the city. They’re the ones who remember to take a moment and look up in wonder (completely blocking pedestrian traffic and pissing everyone off).
It’s been almost three years and I’m still amazed that I can call this city home.
(Enters office – exits bubble)
Ok, so let’s recap. In the span of a single walk to work I: felt gratitude for the day, pondered dog training techniques, wondered what sort of information I personally would try to convey to a backpack, contemplated thievery of central park flora, nailed down my first task of the day, came up with two ideas for my personal endeavors, imagined myself drinking adult beverages on a beach, inhaled pleasant odors, inhaled unpleasant odors, and added to my ever-evolving to-do list. An unbridled mental marathon that ultimately ended with the ability to begin the day with a sense of purpose and optimism.
I feel at this point it is important to acknowledge that one should always make an effort to be alert and aware of their surroundings, so please avoid entering the bubble while operating heavy machinery, holding hot styling tools near your face or performing lifeguard duties at a public pool or beach. Otherwise, drift on my friends. Allow those concoctions of consciousness to sail in and out without a care and enjoy the ride.